At last, I’ve started blogging. I have finally stopped bikeshedding and just went with WordPress.
I have thought about starting a blog for quite some time. I was jealous of all the queer people inside my computer having blogs and sharing their lengthy thoughts. There is just something about posting on your own website, on a server you control. That’s what drew me to Fediverse in the first place (by the way, this blog is ActivityPub-enabled, you can comment on and subscribe to my posts through your favorite fedi app, just hit up @Cysio or use the link down at the bottom).
Yet, when the time came to write something, I was blocked.
I put it off so long that when I finally did it, I forgot what I wanted to post there in the first place. After all, I could already post my shorter thoughts and musings on my normal Fediverse profile. Except, Mastodon UI does not yield itself to reading and writing long form content very easily.
A blog to me was a personal website where people would post regularly, their posts would be dated, their newest posts would be at the top of the page, and they would also have a link list or “blogroll” pointing to other blogs.
— Bacchus (@ErosBlog), Sex Blog History: The Early Days Of Sex Blogging [cw: discussion of pornography]
Does my blog fit that definition? It’s personal. Posts are dated and sorted reverse chronologically, and there is a spot for a blogroll. The only criterion left is “posting regularly”.
I guess I’ll have to wait and see. Maybe having a blog will entice me to actually write something. I might go over my RSS feeds, look at what my favorite bloggers write about, then share my own two cents on a similar topic. Perhaps I could write about something a bit more personal and closer to my heart.
Or maybe this place will end up on the unfinished project pile.
2 responses to “I’ve got a blog now”
@Cysio by the way, if you reply to this post on fedi and I like your comment, then it'll appear under the post on the website
Yes. That’s indeed how it works. Thanks, WordPress.